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In order to proceed, you must have ready a picture of the medical certificate issued by an Italian doctor and your Kite-License.
The registration fee including contributions for the year 2024 is 170 € per year. For more details click here.

In quality of citizen of the European Union and aware of the penal responsibility for mendacious declaration, formation or use of false deed and for exhibition of deed containing data not more respondent to truth (art. 76 D.P.R. n.445/00); over that of how much disposes the art. 75 of the cited D.P.R. in case of not truthfulness of the content of the declaration (forfeiture of the benefits eventually achieved)

ASKS to be admitted to join, as an ordinary member, the A.S.D. KITE CAMPIONE under Article. 4 of the Statuto Sociale, to have read the Articles of Association and subscribe the annual fee including contributions. He/she commits to observe the Statuto Sociale and the deliberations of the social organs, as well as the regulations of the area where the activity is carried out and the Precedenze e norme di sicurezza F.I.V.. This ALSO REQUIRES voluntary and unpaid collaboration with the sole purpose of contributing to the realization of the association's objectives through voluntary work.

1. pursuant to art. 19 of the said D.P.R. n.445/00, that I am aware that the documents attached to this letter are a true copy of the original in my possession
2. to be in possession of a medical certification for the suitability of non-competitive sporting activity, appropriate to the current health condition, as established by current legislation (Gazette Ufficiale of October 18, 2014 No. 243 and subsequent amendments) aware of the impossibility of practicing the sport in the absence of such certification
3. to be in possession of third party liability insurance with a minimum coverage of 500,000 euros that includes the practice of kiteboarding
4. to be in possession of a recognized advanced level license valid for the practice of kiteboarding
5. to be in good physical and mental condition for the activity and the practice of kiteboarding, not to take drugs and / or psychotropic, not to be under the effect of drugs, not to have exceeded the consumption of alcoholic beverages and food
6. to be aware of the risks, predictable and unpredictable, related to the practice of kiteboarding
7. to be aware of the mandatory requirement to wear the recognition shirt during the practice of kiteboarding provided, until stocks run out

8. to be in possession of a medical certification for the suitability of non-competitive sporting activity, appropriate to the current health condition, as established by current legislation (Gazette Ufficiale of October 18, 2014 No. 243 and subsequent amendments) aware of the impossibility of practicing the sport in the absence of such certification
9. for me, as well as for my heirs, to relieve the A.S.D. Kitecampione, the concessionaires of the Kite Area, its employees and / or collaborators, as well as their heirs from any liability for injury, death and / or any damage (even caused by third parties), should result to my person at the time and because of the activity carried out at the Association, in the Kite Area or practice of kiteboarding
10. to relieve ASD Kitecampione, the members of the board, the concessionaires of the area where the activity is carried out, its collaborators or/and employees from any civil liability, criminal and/or compensation, for facts, accidents, mishaps, suffered or caused, which may occur; from any liability for the loss, theft or deterioration of things or valuables and personal effects brought inside the area where the activity is carried out.
11. to be aware of the regulatory measures for the containment of contagion from COVID-19 in force today
12. to be aware of the other measures and limitations provided by ordinances or other administrative measures adopted by the President of the Region or the Mayor in accordance with current regulations;
13. to be aware of the obligation to respect all the dispositions of the Government, Regional, Local Authorities and the Italian Sailing Federation
14. to be aware of the obligation to comply with the current ministerial regulations in case I am subjected to quarantine, isolation and self-surveillance;
15. to have carefully read and evaluated the contents of this document and to have clearly understood the meaning of every single point before signing it. I fully understand and agree with the purposes of these rules established for my safety and that not respecting them can put me and my companions in a dangerous situation. For the purposes of Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, I declare that I specifically approve points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of this writing.

the Statuto Sociale and I commit myself to observe it together with the deliberations of the social organs, as well as the displayed regulation of the beach and the Precedenze e norme di sicurezza F.I.V..

in accordance with the conditions expressed in the privacy policy.

The Beneficiary declares to have read, before signing this application form for insurance coverage, the prospectus containing the indication of the object of insurance coverage, the procedures for acquiring the policy conditions and information on the procedure for the settlement of the insurance benefit, the indication of the insurance company, as provided for in Article 30, paragraph 8, ISVAP Regulation no. 35 of May 26, 2010.

the full text of the ITAS MUTUA policy consisting of: 1.Glossary 2.General conditions 3.Special conditions 4.Information on the processing of personal data policy no. M09513047 expiring on 31 December of the current business year.

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